Dr. Wassim Saad (co-champion) is Chief of Staff, Vice President of Medical Affairs and specializes in internal medicine. Dr. Caroline Hamm (co-champion) is Chair of the Academics & Research Committee. Her focus is research mentorship and clinical trials accrual and specializes in oncology. WRH’s key research partners represent various departments across the hospital including: Dr. Maria Bres Bullrich and Dr. Hiren Desai, specializing in neurology and stroke; Dr. Natalie Malus and Dr. Adam Rahman specializing in critical care; and Dr. Ian Mazzetti specializing in internal medicine. WRH has a dedicated Corporate Office of Research. WRH is affiliated with the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at Western University, and the University of Windsor. WRH consists of two main campuses – the Metropolitan Campus and Ouellette Campus, and serves one of the most culturally diverse communities in Canada with a range of urban and rural environments and socio-demographics; serving a population of over 400,000 in Windsor and Essex County in addition to a large agricultural migrant community. Research areas of interest include stroke/TIA, intensive care, palliative care, cardiology, nephrology, orthopedics, maternal, infant and child health, and oncology.
Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG), Canadian Nephrology Trials Network (CNTN), Canadian Stroke Consortium (CSC), Canadian Stroke Prevention Intervention Network (CSPIN), Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research Consortium (CTRC), CanStroke Recovery Trials, Interventional Cardiology Network, Ontario Clinical Oncology Group, Pan-Canadian Palliative Care Research Collaborative (PCPCRC), Orthopedic Surgery Trials Network, Maternal Infant Child and Youth Research Network (MICYRN)