A research institute of McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences, PHRI specializes in large international clinical trials. Worldwide PHRI studies have enrolled >400,000 participants in >100 RCTs, with >20 trials enrolling ≥10,000 participants each; a dozen RCTs led by PHRI have resulted in global regulatory drug approvals. PHRI has led large trials in: cardiovascular prevention that have collectively randomized >100,000 people and have led to 3 regulatory approvals; diabetes trials that have collectively randomized >75,000 patients and have changed international guidelines; perioperative and cardiac surgery trials that have collectively randomized >47,000 patients and have impacted care globally; atrial fibrillation trials that have collectively randomized >40,000 patients and have led to regulatory approvals and have changed practice; and more.

PHRI has 79 trial coordinators, 64 research assistants, 6 program directors/managers, 17 statisticians, 14 statistical programmers, 28 contracts and finance HQP, 39 computing HQP, a team with expertise in shipment of study materials and importation of biospecimens, 4 quality assurance HQPs, and >50 scientists. PHRI has biobanking capabilities for trials and has developed Canada’s largest research biobank.