Portfolio Hospitals 2023
We are excited to announce the 20 community hospital sites that are joining ACT as part of the Portfolio Hospital project.

These sites were chosen from across Canada in a competitive process that considered site research ability, geographic location, and motivated physician champion(s). At each Portfolio Hospital site, ACT will be funding the equivalent of 1.0 FTE x 3 years Research Coordinator to assist with enrolment in ACT network trials. Each Portfolio Hospital was presented at the ACT Fall Meeting and we hope that trialists continue collaborating. The attached document includes Portfolio Hospital name, location, and Physician Champion(s).
Congratulations again to the new Portfolio Hospital sites. We look forward to working with you:
Cambridge Cardiac CareDr. Shekhar PandeyCambridge, ON
Dr. Shekhar Pandey specializes in internal medicine, cardiology, and nuclear cardiology. Cambridge Cardiac Care is affiliated with McMaster University and works with under-served/marginalized communities, refugees, recent immigrants, rural populations, and language barrier patients. This site has a broad catchment area in Ontario serving Cambridge, Kitchener Waterloo, Guelph, Fergus, Kincardine, Brantford, and Paris, and has experience in online recruitment. Research areas of interest include diabetes, nephrology, cardiology, obesity, and heart function.
Canadian Heart Function Alliance (CHF), Canadian Heart Function Alliance (CHF), Canadian Nephrology Trials Network (CNTN), Canadian Research Network for Adult Congenital Heart Disease Interventions (CRN-ACHDi), Cardiac Arrhythmia Network of Canada (CANet) , Diabetes Clinical Trial Network, Interventional Cardiology Network, Cardiometabolic Health, Diabetes, and Obesity Research Network (CMDO), Pan-Canadian Trial Network in Valvular Heart Disease (PACT-V Heart Valve Network)
Cape Breton Regional Hospital (CBRH)Dr. Paul McDonaldSydney, NS
Dr. Paul MacDonald specializes in internal medicine and cardiology. CBRH is part of the Nova Scotia Health Authority and is a teaching hospital for the Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie University. CBRH serves the local community and functions as a tertiary care referral hospital for Cape Breton Island residents. Research areas of interest include cardiology, oncology, and emergency medicine.
Canadian Heart Function Alliance (CHF), Cardiometabolic Health, Diabetes and Obesity Research Network (CMDO), Canadian Nephrology Trials Network (CNTN), Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG), Canadian COVID-19 Emergency Department Rapid Response Network (CEDRRN), Canadian Research Network for Adult Congenital Heart Disease Interventions (CRN-ACHDi), Interventional Cardiology Network
Centre Hospitalier Affilié Universitaire Régional (CHAUR) de Trois-RivièresDr. Jean-François NaudTrois-Rivières, QC
Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre (DGLDUHC)Dr. Rémi LeBlancMoncton, NB
Dr. Rémi LeBlanc specializes in internal medicine, intensive care, organ donation, and gastroenterology. DGLDUHC is a designated university hospital centre and is supported by the Vitalité Health Network’s Clinical Trials Support Unit. This Network collaborates with the Centre de Formation Médicale du Nouveau-Brunswick (affiliated with Université de Moncton and Université de Sherbrooke), the New Brunswick Centre for Precision Medicine, the Atlantic Cancer Research Institute, and is part of the Atlantic Clinical Trials Network (ACTN). Research areas of interest include oncology, respirology, cardiology, neurology, critical care, nephrology, infectious diseases, emergency medicine, and mental health.
Canadian Chronic Airway Disease Network (CCADN), Canadian COVID-19 Emergency Department Rapid Response Network (CEDRRN), Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG), Canadian Heart Function Alliance (CHF), Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN), Canadian Nephrology Trials Network (CNTN), Canadian Research Network for Adult Congenital Heart Disease Interventions (CRN-ACHDi, Canadian Stroke Consortium (CSC), Canadian Stroke Prevention Intervention Network (CSPIN), CanStroke Recovery Trials, Cardiac Arrhythmia Network of Canada (CANet), Infectious Disease Network, Interventional Cardiology Network, Ontario Clinical Oncology Group, Pan-Canadian Trial Network in Valvular Heart Disease (PACT-V Heart Valve Network)
East Kootenay Regional Hospital (EKRH)Dr. Denise JaworskyCranbrook, BC
Dr. Denise Jaworsky specializes in general internal medicine with a research focus on rural health equity. EKRH is located on the unceded territory of the Ktunaxa nation. EKRH has links to the University of British Columbia (UBC) and College of the Rockies, and via the Interior Health Research Department collaborates with UBC- Okanagan, Thompson Rivers University (TRU), the University of Northern BC (UNBC), and other regional colleges. This site serves a local population of approximately 20,000 as well as many surrounding smaller rural communities. Research areas of interest include critical care, cardiology, respirology, stroke, diabetes, infectious diseases, obesity, and perioperative care.
Canadian Chronic Airway Disease Network (CCADN), Canadian COVID-19 Emergency Department Rapid Response Network (CEDRRN), Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG), Canadian Heart Function Alliance (CHF), Canadian Stroke Consortium (CSC), Canadian Stroke Prevention Intervention Network (CSPIN), CanStroke Recovery Trials, Cardiac Arrhythmia Network of Canada (CANet), Diabetes Clinical Trial Network, Infectious Disease Network, Cardiometabolic Health, Diabetes, and Obesity Research Network (CMDO), Perioperative Care Network
Grace HospitalDr. Gloria Vazquez-GrandeWinnipeg, MB
Dr. Gloria Vazquez-Grande specializes in intensive care, sepsis, antibiotic optimization, and access to care. Grace Hospital has a dedicated ICU research program with support from hospital leadership and Internal Medicine physician to expand recruitment into medicine wards. This site has links to the University of Manitoba and the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority and serves a wide range of patients including homeless individuals, a diverse and rich immigrant population, rural communities, and Indigenous communities. Research areas of interest include critical care and internal medicine.
Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG), Canadian Medication Appropriateness and Deprescribing Network, Infectious Disease Network, Pan-Canadian Palliative Care Research Collaborative (PCPCRC), Perioperative Care network, Diabetes Clinical Trials Network
Health Sciences North (HSN)Drs. Robert Ohle and Ravinder Jeet SinghSudbury, ON
Dr. Robert Ohle specializes in emergency medicine, acute aortic syndrome, and building research capacity. Co-champion Dr. Ravinder Jeet Singh specializes in stroke neurology. HSN has a dedicated Research Institute, is affiliated with Laurentian University and the Northern Ontario School of Medicine University and has academic partnerships with Cambrian College and Collège Boréal. HSN is one of three model sites for the Canadian Remote Access Framework for Clinical Trials (CRAFT) which provide clinical trials access for remote participants closer to their homes. This site serves patients in Northeastern Ontario, remote and rural areas that are traditionally under-serviced, and large Indigenous and Francophone populations. Research areas of interest include anesthesiology, cardiology, cardiac surgery, oncology, HIV, infectious disease, nephrology, psychiatry, stroke, emergency medicine, and critical care.
Canadian Stroke Consortium (CSC), Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG), Canadian COVID-19 Emergency Department Rapid Response Network (CEDRRN), Canadian Heart Function Alliance (CHF), Canadian Research Network for Adult Congenital Heart Disease Interventions (CRN-ACHDi), Canadian Stroke Prevention Intervention Network (CSPIN), CanStroke Recovery Trials, Cardiac Arrhythmia Network of Canada (CANet), Interventional Cardiology Network, Pan-Canadian Trial Network in Valvular Heart Disease (PACT-V Heart Valve Network), Canadian Nephrology Trials Network (CNTN), Diabetes Clinical Trial Network, Pan-Canadian Palliative Care Research Collaborative (PCPCRC)
Hôpital de la Cité-de-la-SantéDrs. Stéphanie Castonguay and Marios RoussosLaval, QC
Dr. Stéphanie Castonguay specializes in medical microbiology and infectious diseases. Co-champion Dr. Marios Roussos specializes in intensive care. Hôpital de la Cité-de-la-Santé is affiliated with the University of Montreal. This site has all major medical subspecialties, a centre of excellence in cancer care, a cardiac catheterization laboratory, and interventional radiology services that operate 24/7. They serve a diverse patient population, including racial and ethnic minorities, older adults, recent immigrants and refugees, and are the primary hospital for local federal penitentiaries. Research areas of interest include cardiology, oncology, infectious diseases, and critical care.
Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG), Infectious Disease Network, Canadian Heart Function Alliance (CHF), Cardiac Arrhythmia Network of Canada (CANet), Ontario Clinical Oncology Group, Canadian Stroke Consortium (CSC)
Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis (HDL)Drs. Patrick Archambault and Martin CrêteLévis, QC
Dr. Patrick Archambault specializes in emergency medicine, critical care, clinical epidemiology, and implementation science. Co-champion Dr. Martin Crête specializes in cardiology. HDL has a dedicated Research Center and is affiliated with Université Laval for clinical teaching. HDL functions as the referral and research center for CISSS Chaudière-Appalache, an integrated health care center with three other hospitals in Montmagny, Thetford Mines, and St-Georges. HDL serves a diverse urban, suburban, and large rural population with 23% over 65 years old. Research areas of interest include critical care, emergency medicine, cardiology, and nephrology.
Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG), Canadian COVID-19 Emergency Department Rapid Response Network (CEDRRN), Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research Consortium (CTRC), Cardiac Arrhythmia Network of Canada (CANet), Canadian Heart Function Alliance (CHF), Pan-Canadian Trial Network in Valvular Heart Disease (PACT-V Heart Valve Network), Perioperative Care Network, Infectious Disease Network, Pan-Canadian Palliative Care Research Collaborative (PCPCRC), Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN), Canadian Deprescribing Network (CaDeN), Canadian Stroke Consortium (CSC), Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program (CDTRP), Canadian Nephrology Trials Network (CNTN)
Humber River Health (HRH)Dr. Gihad NesrallahNorth York, ON
Dr. Gihad Nesrallah specializes in nephrology. HRH is affiliated with the University of Toronto and Queen’s University, is a fully digital hospital, and is one of the largest regional acute care hospitals serving more than 850,000 people in the northwest Greater Toronto Area (GTA). A Northwest Toronto Ontario Health Team (HRH and partner organizations) planning exercise found that, compared to other Ontario sites, HRH has a greater proportion of patients over 80, the greatest number of recent immigrants, higher chronic disease prevalence, the second highest rate of ED usage, and 11% of patients lack a primary care provider. Research areas of interest include cancer, critical care, nephrology, surgical services, and infectious diseases.
Canadian Deprescribing Network (CaDeN), Canadian Nephrology Trials Network (CNTN, Cardiometabolic Health, Diabetes, and Obesity Research Network (CMDO), Ontario Clinical Oncology Group, Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG)
Kelowna General Hospital (KGH)Drs. Matthew Boyko and Aleksander TkachKelowna, BC
Dr. Aleksander Tkach specializes in neurology, psychiatry, and vascular neurology. KGH has a dedicated clinical research department and collaboratively recruits for 2 Tertiary Hospitals that provide diagnostic and complex care, allowing for recruitment in rural and remote areas resulting in decentralized clinical trials. Via the Interior Health Research Department, this site collaborates with UBC- Okanagan, Thompson Rivers University (TRU), the University of Northern BC (UNBC), and other regional colleges. Research areas of interest include stroke, cardiology, nephrology, general surgery and infectious disease.
Cardiac Arrhythmia Network of Canada (CANet), Canadian Nephrology Trials Network (CNTN), Canadian Stroke Consortium (CSC), Canadian Heart Function Alliance (CHF), Pan-Canadian Trial Network in Valvular Heart Disease (PACT-V Heart Valve Network), Perioperative Care Network, Canadian COVID-19 Emergency Department Rapid Response Network (CEDRRN), Canadian Stroke Prevention Intervention Network (CSPIN), CanStroke Recovery Trials, Interventional Cardiology Network
Mackenzie HealthDrs. Kimia Honarmand and Tess FitzpatrickRichmond Hill, ON
Dr. Kimia Honarmand specializes in internal medicine, critical care, and clinical epidemiology. Co-champion Dr. Tess Fitzpatrick specializes in neurology and stroke. Mackenzie Health is composed of two full-service acute care hospitals, Mackenzie Richmond Hill and Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital, and supports an extensive network of community-based services located across Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Toronto, and Barrie. Their critical care program catchment area serves over 550,000 people and their stroke/neurology centre catchment area serves over 1.2 million people, whose diverse population includes recent immigrants, persons with refugee status, racial and ethnic minorities, and older adults. Research areas of interest include critical care, deceased organ donation, neurology, stroke, nephrology, infectious diseases, emergency medicine, and peri-operative medicine
Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG), Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program (CDTRP), Canadian Stroke Consortium (CSC), Canadian Stroke Prevention Intervention Network (CSPIN), CanStroke Recovery Trials
Medicine Hat Regional Hospital (MHRH)Dr. Alejandro ManosalvaMedicine Hat, AB
Dr. Alejandro Manosalva specializes in stroke neurology, movement disorders, and neurogenetics. Co-champion Dr. Adeel Azam specializes in internal medicine and diabetes mellitus. MHRH has strong links to the Rural Family Medicine program at the University of Calgary and covers an extensive rural area, including aboriginal communities in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Research areas of interest include cardiology, internal medicine-diabetes, stroke-neurology, and emergency medicine. It was established as the first hospital in Alberta due to its easy access by the Saskatchewan river.
Diabetes Clinical Trial Network, Cardiac Arrhythmia Network of Canada (CANet), Canadian Heart Function Alliance (CHF), Canadian COVID-19 Emergency Department Rapid Response Network (CEDRRN), Canadian Stroke Consortium (CSC) -
Nanaimo Regional General Hospital (NRGH)Dr. David ForrestNanaimo, BC
Dr. David Forrest specializes in infectious disease and critical care. NRGH has support from the Clinical Research Unit in Victoria, BC, and the Research Department at Island Health, which collaborates with numerous BC-based universities (UBC, Island Medical Program, UVic, UBC) as well as Vancouver Island University. This site serves the local population, more remote Northern areas, and works with their Indigenous Liaison Department to serve Indigenous communities. Research areas of interest include critical care and infectious disease.
Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG), Infectious Disease Network
Niagara HealthDr. Jennifer TsangSt. Catharines, ON
Dr. Jennifer Tsang, Executive Director and Chief Scientist of the Niagara Health Knowledge Institute, is a critical care specialist at Niagara Health with a research interest in research capacity building in community hospitals and translational biology in sepsis/community acquired pneumonia. Niagara Health is affiliated with McMaster University, has established the Niagara Health Knowledge Institute in 2023, and has invested in building research infrastructure including pharmacy, laboratory, and a dedicated Research Administrative Office. In 2022, their Critical Care Clinical Trial Program was ranked #3 overall in Canada in participant enrolment based on the Canadian Clinical Research Network status report. Niagara Health serves an area with a large percentage of adults over 65 years, Indigenous patients, and patients with low socio-economic status. Research areas of interest include oncology, critical care, cardiology, thrombosis, hematology and transfusion medicine, neurology, internal medicine, and infectious disease.
Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG), Canadian Deprescribing Network (CaDeN), Interventional Cardiology Network, Cardiac Arrhythmia Network of Canada (CANet), Canadian Stroke Consortium (CSC), Canadian Stroke Prevention Intervention Network (CSPIN), CanStroke Recovery Trials, CANStim (Research in Non-invasive Brain Stimulation), Ontario Clinical Oncology Group, Infectious Disease Network, Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN), Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program (CDTRP), Pan-Canadian Trial Network in Valvular Heart Disease (PACT-V Heart Valve Network)
Penticton Regional Hospital (PRH)Dr. Michelle ScheepersPenticton, BC
Dr. Michelle Scheepers specializes in anesthesiology, chronic pain surgical prehabilitation. PRH has a dedicated research department with engaged clinical staff and links to University of British Columbia (UBC), UBC- Okanagan, Thompson Rivers University (TRU), and the University of Northern BC (UNBC), as well as other regional colleges. This site serves a wide geographic area composed of several rural communities with broad demographic representation, skewed to an aging population. Research areas of interest include perioperative care, chronic pain, neurology, and diabetes.
Chronic Pain Network (CPN), Perioperative Care Network, Canadian Heart Function Alliance (CHF), Canadian Nephrology Trials Network (CNTN), Canadian Stroke Consortium (CSC), Diabetes Clinical Trial Network, Canadian Stroke Prevention Intervention Network
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH)Dr. Heather WilliamsCharlottetown, PE
Dr. Heather Williams specializes in neurology and stroke. QEH is linked with Dalhousie University and Memorial University, and their PEI Organized Stroke Care Program (OSCP) received the Stroke Distinction Accreditation Canada award twice (2018 and 2022). This site serves a diverse population including Indigenous, rural, low-income, and low-education communities. Research areas of interest include stroke, neurology, nephrology, rehabilitation medicine, and internal medicine.
Canadian Stroke Consortium (CSC), Canadian Stroke Prevention Intervention Network (CSPIN), CanStroke Recovery Trials, Canadian Nephrology Trials Network (CNTN), Interventional Cardiology Network
Regina General Hospital (RGH)Dr. Payam DehghaniRegina, SK
Dr. Payam Dehghani specializes in interventional cardiology. RGH has research support from the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) Research Department, the University of Saskatchewan at Saskatoon, the University of Regina, and non-profit Prairie Vascular Research Inc. (PVRI). This site is working to include under-represented populations (indigenous communities, immigrants, minority groups, older adults) in clinical trials. Research areas of interest include cardiology, nephrology, oncology, and infectious diseases.
Canadian COVID-19 Emergency Department Rapid Response Network (CEDRRN), Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG), Canadian Heart Function Alliance (CHF), Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN), Canadian Research Network for Adult Congenital Heart Disease Interventions (CRN-ACHDi), Canadian Stroke Consortium (CSC), Cardiac Arrhythmia Network of Canada (CANet), Interventional Cardiology Network, Pan-Canadian Trial Network in Valvular Heart Disease (PACT-V Heart Valve Network)
Windsor Regional Hospital (WRH)Drs. Wassim Saad and Caroline HammWindsor, ON
Dr. Wassim Saad (co-champion) is Chief of Staff, Vice President of Medical Affairs and specializes in internal medicine. Dr. Caroline Hamm (co-champion) is Chair of the Academics & Research Committee. Her focus is research mentorship and clinical trials accrual and specializes in oncology. WRH’s key research partners represent various departments across the hospital including: Dr. Maria Bres Bullrich and Dr. Hiren Desai, specializing in neurology and stroke; Dr. Natalie Malus and Dr. Adam Rahman specializing in critical care; and Dr. Ian Mazzetti specializing in internal medicine. WRH has a dedicated Corporate Office of Research. WRH is affiliated with the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at Western University, and the University of Windsor. WRH consists of two main campuses - the Metropolitan Campus and Ouellette Campus, and serves one of the most culturally diverse communities in Canada with a range of urban and rural environments and socio-demographics; serving a population of over 400,000 in Windsor and Essex County in addition to a large agricultural migrant community. Research areas of interest include stroke/TIA, intensive care, palliative care, cardiology, nephrology, orthopedics, maternal, infant and child health, and oncology.
Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG), Canadian Nephrology Trials Network (CNTN), Canadian Stroke Consortium (CSC), Canadian Stroke Prevention Intervention Network (CSPIN), Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research Consortium (CTRC), CanStroke Recovery Trials, Interventional Cardiology Network, Ontario Clinical Oncology Group, Pan-Canadian Palliative Care Research Collaborative (PCPCRC), Orthopedic Surgery Trials Network, Maternal Infant Child and Youth Research Network (MICYRN)
To get in touch with one of our Portfolio Hospitals, please contact us.