The Health Policy Trials Unit, Centre for Health Policy, O’Brien Institute for Public Health at the University of Calgary works to ensure health policy decisions are informed by rigorous scientific evidence. Policy trials answer critical questions about which social, economic, and health care interventions improve health and why. Located within the new Centre for Health Policy at the O’Brien Institute for Public Health, the Health Policy Trials Unit contributes to the Centre’s mission to engage citizens, patients, community groups, researchers, governments, clinicians, and health system leaders to identify, test, and scale up policies with the greatest potential to improve health. Anchored by community and patient partnerships, our unit is situated at the intersection of several research and innovation partners at the Cumming School of Medicine that provide big data access, statistical, and machine learning methods and analytical support, trial design expertise, research administration, and knowledge translation including the Clinical Research Unit, the Centre for Health Informatics, and the Interdisciplinary Chronic Disease Collaboration. The Health Policy Trials Unit has close linkages with Alberta Health Services’ Strategic Clinical Networks—groups of clinicians, patients, and researchers passionate and knowledgeable about specific areas of health that work to identify innovative ways of delivering care that improve health care quality and outcomes.